Table of Contents
- Shannon’s Note
- Nursery Update
- Upcoming Sales and Events
- June Tasks When Gardening for Pollinators and Wildlife
- Subscribe to Newsletter
Shannon’s Note

This year has been insane! Spring occurred in February, then it went back to winter, and now it is suddenly summer. Or at least that’s what it feels like to me based on the temperatures. It seems like Mother Nature has really jumped into summer mode too.
The dawn chorus is almost deafening in the mornings as the birds proclaim their breeding territories. Our porch phoebe is sitting on her second clutch of eggs. We have baby phoebes and baby wrens bouncing all over the yard. Earlier this week, Anthony accidentally walked up on our first baby turkeys. Then this morning our first fawns (twins) came bounding by while I was sitting on the hammock.
We’ve also been enjoying the transition of flowering plants from the spring cohort into the summer cohort. In the process, I’ve begun to pay more attention to our sedges. We have several species growing naturally on our property and I’m beginning to identify them. Maybe next year we’ll have sedges for sale too.

Nursery Update
After a slow start, everything is really starting to take off. No milkweeds yet. (I know that’s what everyone is waiting for, but we’re still hoping that they’ll be ready by the end of the month.) However, we have lots of other species available and will have more available over the coming weeks.

Upcoming Sales and Events
We have three public plant sales coming up in June, including our pre-order deliveries to Glasgow and Bowling Green. In addition to selling plants, I’ll also be giving a presentation at the Lost River Cave National Pollinator Week Celebration.
Details about each event and the native plants we know we will have available can be found by clicking on the links below. As always, there will likely be a few additional species that aren’t on the lists but make a surprise appearance in limited quantities
Click on an event below to find out what we will have available that day and how to place a pre-order if desired.
Availability is usually updated approximately a week before the event.
June Tasks When Gardening for Pollinators and Wildlife
- Plant in the early morning or evening (my preferred time) and avoid planting in the heat of the day for the sake of yourself and your plants.
- Give any new plants plenty of water to help them get established.
- Even native plants need a little help their first year.
- Be sure to keep your hummingbird feeders clean and avoid red dyes.
- A decrease in the number of birds visiting your feeders is to be expected because the females are sitting on nests and prefer to visit native flowers at this time of year.
- Decrease the amount of food you are putting out to accommodate the decrease in number of visitors.
- Check for and remove any paper wasp nests in butterfly houses or empty birdhouses near your gardens.
- I actually recommend removing or blocking the entrances to butterfly houses. I discuss why in this Backyard Ecology article.
- It’s always a good time to kill invasive species.
- Stilt grass (Microstegium sp.) can be easily pulled in garden beds.
- Poison hemlock is in full flower and if possible should be cut down and disposed of in the trash before it sets seed. Be sure to wear proper PPE when doing so. Watch this Backyard Ecology video to learn more about how to control poison hemlock at this time of year.
- If you are using herbicides to control invasive species, be sure to read and follow the label. Paying attention to the maximum temperatures for application is especially important at this time of year.
- Take time to watch the fireflies at night.
- If you want to learn more about gardening for pollinators and wildlife, growing native plants, or the plants and animals that can be found in our yards and communities, then check out our Backyard Ecology blog, podcast, and YouTube channel.
- We’re constantly adding more content to help you learn about and enjoy the nature that is all around us.
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Busy Bee Nursery and Consulting
Helping you create the pollinator and wildlife habitat of your dreams, so you can enjoy your land and care for the plants and animals that also call your property home.