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Orange Jewelweed / Orange Touch-Me-Not

Orange jewelweed flower

Orange Jewelweed / Orange Touch-Me-Not
(Impatiens capensis)


  • 2 to 5 feet (usually shorter)


  • May to September


  • Native
  • Annual


  • Part shade to shade

Soil moisture:

  • Moist to wet

Provides food for:

  • Native bees (flowers)
  • Honey bees (flowers)
  • Butterflies (flowers)
  • Hummingbirds (flowers, insects)
  • Caterpillars (foliage)
  • Quail (seeds)
  • Songbirds (caterpillars and other insects)


  • Jewelweed sap has a long history of being used to reduce the itch of poison ivy and bug bites.
  • When ripe the seeds will explode from the seed pod, often flying several feet through the air.
    • Even a light breeze or a slight touch can cause the ripe seed pods to explode which is how it got the common name of orange touch-me-not.
  • Will self-seed readily.
    • Once established, orange jewelweed will easily maintain itself if allowed to go to seed.

Native Range:

USDA Range Map for orange jewelweed / orange touch-me-not
Map credit: USDA Plants Database