Below are additional resources that I thought you might find useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I’m happy to help if I can.
~ Shannon Trimboli
Backyard Ecology Resources
Butterfly Profiles
Tips for attracting butterflies
Other Useful Free Resources
- Native Plants for the Small Yard: Easy, Beautiful Home Gardens that Support Local Ecology
- Free pdf downloadable book that has lots of landscaping layouts for common garden spots (around mailbox, near porch, near drain spout, etc.).
- Was written for a nature center in Pennsylvania so many, but not all of the species are native to Kentucky. However, we usually have other species in the same genus that can be easily substituted for any Pennsylvania plants that aren’t native to here.
- Kentucky Invasive Species List
- This is the most recent listing of species that are considered invasive in Kentucky. It is ranked by how severe of a threat each species presents.
- The first two rankings (Severe and Significant) are the ones to pay the most attention to. Personally, I don’t worry too much about the other two categories on my property because I have so many of the first two categories to contend with. I can’t do everything so I focus on the ones causing the most damage.
- Flora of the Southeastern United States
- Very detailed dichotomous key with descriptions and range maps for most of plants found in the southeastern U.S.
- USDA Plants Database
- Provides basic details plus a map showing the range maps for different plant species across the country.

My Books
- Plants Honey Bees Use in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys
- Let me know if you want me to sign it. I’m always happy to do that.
- Attract Pollinators and Wildlife to Your Yard: 15 Free and Easy Ways
- Let me know if you want me to sign it. I’m always happy to do that.
Butterfly Field Guides I Like *
* Amazon links are affiliate links.
Busy Bee Nursery and Consulting Resources
- Plants I am growing for the 2022 season
- Information about our habitat consulting services
- Gardening for Pollinators and Wildlife newsletter
- Upcoming Events, Open-houses, and Deliveries
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