Allegheny Chinquapin / Dwarf Chestnut
(Castanea pumila)
- 10 to 30 feet
- June to July
- Native
- Tree or shrub
- Full sun to part shade
Soil moisture:
- Dry to Medium
Provides food for:
- Squirrels and chipmunks (nuts),
- White-tailed deer (nuts and foliage),
- Woodpeckers (nuts),
- Songbirds (nuts),
- Turkey (nuts),
- Quail (nuts),
- Caterpillars (foliage)
- Nuts smaller and often reported as sweeter than American chestnuts.
- Can start producing nuts after only 2-3 years.
- May be susceptible to chestnut blight.
- Will stump sprout profusely if top of plant is killed.
- Often produces multiple trunks and forms thickets.
- Fire tolerant.
- Must have two trees in order to get nuts.
Native Range: